In his own words, Rhys, from our Whitby Team, talks frankly about Men's Mental Health, and shares his coping strategies.
When Rhys stepped forward as a Health & Wellbeing Champion at Moorview Care, he generously shared some of his own experiences and challenges he had faced in relation to his own health. Now he represents the Whitby Team as a Team Voice Representative and strongly advocates for the wellbeing of our team.
Rhys shares his thoughts here...
What are the biggest challenges that men face?
"The stigma of opening up and being seen as weak is why many men are reluctant to speak out or talk in general. It could lead to individuals keeping their thoughts and struggles to themselves which can manifest into different behaviours such as withdrawal, anger, stress, or other mental health challenges.
It's important that we begin to break the cycle now so that the next generation understands that it is okay to open up and talk to others, to seek the help and support that they need to stay well. It is much easier to remain closed off and isolated but the more we normalise speaking up, the easier it will be to get the help needed.
Although Moorview Care has quite a lot of male team members who have and do bond easily, it can be difficult to create those connections in the workplace - especially in an environment where obviously the main aim and focus of the job is about providing care and creating bonds with those we support. Just asking fellow team members how they are or involving them in plans can make a huge difference to an individual feeling accepted.
It can also sometimes be difficult to make the right decision when supporting female clients - as a male - when it comes to comforting them when they are in distress. A lot of our people may just want a hug, but there is always a risk of there being an accusation made - female workers are less likely to face this. Fortunately, at Moorview Care, our support plans for clients provide some guidance on this but it can be hard to see a client in an emotional state and not being able to comfort them when the support plan advises this."
How can Moorview Care further support our male team members?
"Firstly, we should continuously look at the offering we have for our male team members. When producing communications, we need to ensure they are inclusive for all and have resources targeting everyone who may face mental health issues; utilising resources like Andy’s Man Club can make a big difference for those who need support.
Making it easier for men to talk to other men too. Take the internal welfare button for example (which is accessible via our internal intranet MVCX and can be used by any team member, at any time should they need a welfare call - for any reason) - being able to choose who calls you back could encourage more people to utilise it if they knew they were speaking to someone they felt comfortable with (or emails you back - depending on your preference).
Having more resources to encourage healthier lifestyles too such as tackling bad habits like poor diet, heavy alcohol or even not exercising as all these things have an impact on mental health - one bad day can easily roll into many bad days, so having the relevant assistance in place to help encourage healthier lifestyles would also be beneficial."
Is there anything you would like the wider team to know or consider more as they go about their daily activities?
"Ask people how they are - this goes for your colleagues in work but people outside of work too. If you notice someone isn’t themselves, take the time to ask them if they are okay or if they want to talk. Often men don’t want to open up but just being asked makes a huge difference as it shows that someone notices you.
In social care in general, we all need to understand that the way a man supports an individual may look different to how a woman would support them. That doesn't make the support wrong or poor quality - it just means that it might look different. As a man, we are always conscious of our actions and how others perceive them. The stigma of appearing lazy or unemotional can be damaging - especially when it isn’t true.
Moorview Care is one large family. We need to support each other and live the values; if we work together and treat each other with respect and kindness, we will go a long way!"
We asked for 5 top tips to look after your well-being and this is what Rhys had to say:
"1. Find something that you enjoy. From cooking to weightlifting to crafting - there is a variety of things to choose from and finding what brings you joy and making time to do these activities is a vital part of self-care that encourages a positive mindset.
2. Break the cycle. Traditionally men are told to 'man up' or not to cry. This negative stigma is still present in societies and individuals, however if we don't work on breaking this stigma and choose not to express ourselves or seek help then the cycle continues. See the help you need and feel empowered to feel what you feel. It's okay to talk.
3. Small changes can make a big difference. Making little changes every day will lead to significant changes to your lifestyle. For example, having a short 5-minute walk a day will accumulate over time to improve your physical and mental health. Or cut down on takeaways or alcohol. It can be something small but it will have a significant impact.
4. Stay social. Make friends with individuals that have similar interests to you. This means you can rely on one another to stay on track, and when things do go a little awry, you have a trusted individual to support you.
5. We are not all the same. Your experience with one person does not indicate how others will act or behave. Make sure you treat individuals as individuals. Embrace our differences and celebrate our similarities."
Our dedicated Culture & Wellbeing Lead, Sam, is always available to provide resources, advice and a friendly face to our whole team and conducted this chat with Rhys. Sam and the team always welcome new ideas and resources to share with the wider team so if you have any concerns, advice for others or useful resources to share with the Moorview Care family, please contact Sam.